
I´m Liisa Moliis, a singer, actor and artist, and a mother and a wife to an amazing family. I'm working around the Globe, and I've lived in several places, Florida US, Finland and Spain. Right now I'm residing at a beautiful city of Budapest, in Hungary. 

Born and raised in Finland in a musical family, my dream was always to sing, dance and act my heart out. After taking somewhat more conservative route as a music teacher over fifteen years, I´m back where I want to be, working as a free lance artist doing music and other creative stuff.

While these things are crucially important to me, namely my family and my music, there is yet one who is above them all.
My God. My Heavenly Father, who loved me so much that He came down to planet Earth to set me free 2000 years ago.
What I do, what I sing, what I preach, what I breath, I do it all for Him! Because He first loved me.
And He´s awesome!  

So come on and join me on my journey! You can buy my music, connect with me on Facebook, Instagram and You Tube, sign up on my mailing list and find where and when I am doing my next project.

Hope you enjoy!
